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Bodgers Cottage, 7 The Street
NR34 8DZ
United Kingdom


We produce hand-crafted items using found objects and materials including: painted pebbles, fabric collages, free machine embroidered pictures, carved wooden spoons and tin-can ink pens. We accept commissions too, such as wedding place settings and one-off textile pictures.


welcome to our website

The sun is shining and the days are definitely feeling more Spring like which is very welcome!

Hello if you're having a browse on our website!

An important piece of news is with regret we will not be able to ship to Europe or Northern Ireland.

Coming into force on 13 December 2024 the EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) means to continue to sell to the EU & N Ireland, we would have to pay over £100 per product for new safety testing regulations and employ an EU agent, which costs a great deal, as a named point of contact to oversee this. As a small partnership we cannot afford this. If we didn’t comply with these new rules it could mean 12 months in prison and/or a fine up to £20,000. This is a risk that we cannot afford!

Apologies for the above news, it’s not what we want but our hands are tied.

Craftco has had a steady start to the new year, we’ve just had the February half term which was pretty busy, so that’s very positive. We will still have our up and down days when we won’t have as many customers but those thankfully are few and far between.

Our gallery diary is slowly starting to fill up with makers and artists wanting to display their work, we should have a diverse selection of things to show you over this coming year.

Here at Mitchell-Finch we are working on getting stock together as we will be turning up in a few places in the next couple of months, more on that nearer the time.

If you want to know where Craftco is or you haven’t visited Southwold before then find us at 40A High Street, Southwold, Suffolk. We are up near Adnam’s Cellar & Kitchen and diagonally opposite FatFace.
We share the shop space with Tourist Information, so if you need to find out more about what’s happening in the area then please do pop in?

Look out for more information on where we'll be and what we're up to on Instagram.

@mitchellfinch @jane_mitchell_finch

Thanks for dropping by and we look forward to warmer Spring days ahead!


letterpress experience pre-book
creative embroidery workshop pre-booking